Thursday 9 November 2017

Azure bug in SCM Uri for slots

I thought I'd raise some more attention (mostly out of pure frustration) to a bug in the Azure API that I came across today.

Rackspace, as one of our client's hosting providers, uses a guid as the Sitecore deployment ID, and so it is prepended to all the resource names.  This creates quite long app names, and combining that with a slot name (eg. 'cm-staging'), means that Azure drops some characters in the middle to maintain a 40 character hostname.
app name: 3dd1a584-abc6-4019-a917-633cb1dbfb40-prod-cm
slot name: cm-staging

This unfortunately means that one can't simply use 'webappname-slotname' as the URL, and it requires an API call to find out what Azure has generated.

We are using the Kudu API to run a script on our web apps (and slots) which means making REST calls to <webapp/slot> and this Kudu/scm URL is nicely provided in the publishing profile which can be retrieved with a simple Azure REST call.

Unfortunately the Azure API appears to do a simple 'webappname-slotname', and doesn't generate the 40 character URL which Azure actually uses.
ie. the URL that is returned:

This has apparently been raised to Microsoft who are working on the issue.  However, rather than using the 'hostnames' property, you need to filter on the 'EnabledHostNames' property.

If I could make a suggestion: do your best to avoid using guids in your app names, or really long app names for that matter, it causes a world of pain.

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