Friday 17 May 2019

Azure AD B2C with Sitecore Identity

As with my last post I'm not going to go into detail about how to set up the foundation of a Sitecore Identity plugin, this is just the specifics of Azure AD B2C.

Sample code is on my Sitecore-Identity-AzureADB2C repo

Azure AD B2C

First step is obviously to create an Azure AD B2C instance in Azure.  This will set up an entire new directory that you will need to switch to in order to actually work with the Azure AD B2C tab on the left side of the Portal.

In the Azure AD B2C tab (like in AD or Auth0 and everything else) you'll need to create an Application.  Grab the Application ID (client ID) for setting in the config.  Add the Reply URL: https://your.identity.server/signin-idsrv.

We'll set up a custom user attribute which we'll use to determine whether the user is a Sitecore admin (if you are simply using B2C for an external site you can use a different name or skip this altogether).  Go into User attributes and add a new attribute called SitecoreAdmin of type boolean.

Next up create a User Flow.  I created a "Sign up and sign in v2" but I'd say it will also work with the non-v2 version (I just like using the latest version of everything).  Remember the name of the flow for your config. Inside the flow set the identity providers you want to use - bear in mind for testing it's easiest to set that SitecoreAdmin property on a "Local Account" so include that at the very least.  Under "User Attributes" and "Application Claims" ensure your SitecoreAdmin property is checked so that it is included in the list of claims which Sitecore Identity Server will receive.

Sitecore Identity Server

Grab the code and populate the clientId, tenant, and policy name.
In the Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureB2C.xml config file note the added transformation:

<ClaimsTransformation3 type="Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders.DefaultClaimsTransformation, Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders">
    <Claim1 type="extension_SitecoreAdmin" value="true" />
    <Claim1 type="" value="true"/>

Our property is exposed as a claim with the name extension_SitecoreAdmin which is mapped as per the documentation (also see the link for the final step of mapping the IsAdministrator property in Sitecore).

Enjoy logging in to Sitecore through Azure AD B2C!

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